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Problems with Blogger comments
Problems with Blogger comments
Not long ago I found that when using Safari on any Apple device, I couldn’t leave comments on Blogger blogs, even when already signed in to my account. I found a fix.
Problems with Blogger comments
Uh-oh, Safari 15
Uh-oh, Safari 15
There appear to be many good reasons not to upgrade to Safari 15 for Mac.
Uh-oh, Safari 15
Safari vs. Chrome
Safari vs. Chrome
From MacSparky, a comparison of Mac RAM usage in Safari and Chrome.
Safari vs. Chrome
Safari 14.0.1 problems
Safari 14.0.1 problems
f you use Safari on a Mac, you might want to hold off on the 14.0.1 update. It breaks things.
Safari 14.0.1 problems
A helpful Safari extension: about:blank, which enables the user to block individual websites. Just 99¢.
iOS Safari search suggestions
iOS Safari search suggestions
Try as I might, I cannot figure out how to remove search suggestions from Safari on an iPhone XR. Does anyone know how to make these Safari suggestions go away?
iOS Safari search suggestions
uBlock Origin for Safari
uBlock Origin for Safari
If you’ve updated to Safari 12 for the Mac and are wondering where uBlock Origin has gone.
uBlock Origin for Safari
Link Maker, a Safari extension
Link Maker, a Safari extension
I have long searched for a Safari extension that can create a link with a title or selected text from a webpage — something like the now-antique Firefox extensions CopyURL+ and QuoteURLText. I finally found one.
Link Maker, a Safari extension