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Words of the year
Words of the year
From the Collins Dictionary, brat : inspired by Charli XCX and “characterized by a confident, independent, and hedonistic attitude.”
Words of the year
Paul Berman on slogans
Paul Berman on slogans
“Bad faith is when you don’t like the truth so you lie about it. Then you lie about having lied about it. You might even convince yourself that in lying about lying you’re not lying. That’s bad faith. It’s a twisted consciousness. We’re seeing a mass movement for a twisted consciousness.”
Paul Berman on slogans
Clarence Thomas and Horatio Alger
Clarence Thomas and Horatio Alger
The Alger success story is, really, a story of patronage. One might even call it a story of affirmative action, practiced not by institutions but by individuals.
Clarence Thomas and Horatio Alger
Words of the year
Words of the year
From the Collins Dictionary, permacrisis, “a term that describes ‘an extended period of instability and insecurity.’”
Words of the year