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Kellyanne Conway, as heard on CNN a little while ago, talking about Donald Trump’s preparation for his State of the Union address: “He Sharpied up a lot of the passages.”
Our words, our selves
Our words, our selves
Barbara Wallraff: “With our words — particularly our written words, or words that we have written down before we say them — we can be our best selves, and even selves better than our actual best.”
Our words, our selves
“They mess you up”
“They mess you up”
For the first time in a long time, the word “mess” has appeared in a Michiko Kakutani book review.
“They mess you up”
Commas and colons, chickens and caulk
Commas and colons, chickens and caulk
Looking at the first lines of the Odyssey in Greek, a student (I’ll call him “Joe”) asked a great question in class: Are there really comma...
Commas and colons, chickens and caulk
And, but, for, nor, or, so, yet
And, but, for, nor, or, so, yet
Starting a sentence with a conjunction is a literary device that can be overused. And it can be annoying. But there's nothing inherently evi...
And, but, for, nor, or, so, yet