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Valves, Valvoline, and singing circuits
Valves, Valvoline, and singing circuits
I borrowed Walter Isaacson’s Elon Musk from the library. “I want to learn more about our next president,” I told the librarian. She laughed.
Valves, Valvoline, and singing circuits
How to improve writing (no. 125)
How to improve writing (no. 125)
“He typically mentions the fictional serial killer in the context of immigration, claiming without evidence that migrants are coming in from insane asylums and mental institutions and often using dehumanizing language.”
How to improve writing (no. 125)
Off the bot
Off the bot
In response to a comment from Matthew Schmeer that describes inventive assignments to keep students from turning in AI-generated writing, I came up with a phrase that I’d like to share: “off the bot,” after “off the grid.” I am thinking and writing off the bot.
Off the bot
How I write certain of my blog posts
How I write certain of my blog posts
I’m always interested in seeing the materials of writing, so I thought it’d be interesting to show the materials that went into a post about Anne Curzan’s Says Who? A Kinder, Funner Usage Guide for Everyone Who Cares about Words. Why not? A notebook, gel pen, blue pencil, legal pad, fountain pen, and text editor.
How I write certain of my blog posts
Handwriting vs. typing
Handwriting vs. typing
Old news by now, I’d say, but still news: “Why writing by hand beats typing for thinking and learning” (NPR).
Handwriting vs. typing
How to improve writing (no. 111)
How to improve writing (no. 111)
I wrote a letter yesterday to the CEO an insurance company about the 109 minutes I spent on the phone trying to find out why a payment didn’t go through. Here’s how I made the first paragraph better.
How to improve writing (no. 111)