“Now and Then,” the music videoThis one really got to me, and it made me not miss the song’s middle section, at least while it played. Some laughter, many tears.#Beatles#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 4, 2023“Now and Then,” the music video
A last Beatles songYou know there’s a last new Beatles song coming this Thursday, yes?#Beatles#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 1, 2023A last Beatles song
Jack White, Beatles savant“Jack White showcases his hidden talent of being able to recognize any Beatles song instantly.”#Beatles#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 15, 2022Jack White, Beatles savant
The Beatles: Get Back thoughtsI have several.#Beatles#film#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Dec 2, 2021The Beatles: Get Back thoughts
Let It Be at the Internet ArchiveListen: do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell?#Beatles#film#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Dec 2, 2021Let It Be at the Internet Archive
Geoff Emerick (1945-2018)The recording engineer Geoff Emerick, best known for his work with the Beatles, has died at the age of seventy-two.#Beatles#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Oct 5, 2018Geoff Emerick (1945-2018)
George Martin (1926–2016)Paul McCartney: “If anyone earned the title of the fifth Beatle it was George.”#Beatles#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 15, 2016George Martin (1926–2016)
Georges, Formby and HarrisonThe chords at the end of “Free as a Bird” mean more than I knew.#Beatles#music#ukulele·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 23, 2014Georges, Formby and Harrison
John Lennon’s lettersThe Los Angeles Times reports that in 2012 Little, Brown will publish a book of John Lennon’s letters, edited by Beatles biographer Hunter Davies.#Beatles#JohnLennon#music#letters·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 13, 2011John Lennon’s letters
"A Day in the Life" lyrics at auctionLike it says#Beatles#handwriting#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 24, 2010"A Day in the Life" lyrics at auction
Brian Wilson on "Norwegian Wood""Is he setting her house on fire? I didn't know. I still don't know."#BrianWilson#Beatles#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Sep 18, 2009Brian Wilson on "Norwegian Wood"
Ukulele Beatles Fun!Uke chords for Beatles songs#Beatles#music#ukulele·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 12, 2009Ukulele Beatles Fun!
The "A Hard Day's Night" chordLink to a mathematical analysis#Beatles#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 12, 2009The "A Hard Day's Night" chord
"Hey Jude"Forty years ago today, the American release#Beatles#music·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 29, 2008"Hey Jude"