Palomino Blackwing non-users“No, Steinbeck, White, and Wolfe never sang the praises of the Palomino Blackwing, because they lived and died before that pencil came into production.”#advertising#Blackwing#Levenger#pencils#EBWhite#JohnSteinbeck··Feb 5, 2013Palomino Blackwing non-users
Steinbeck pencilsSteinbeck’s favorite pencils, the Blaisdell Calculator, the Eberhard Faber Blackwing, and the Eberhard Faber Mongol#JohnSteinbeck#pencils#Blackwing#Mongol··Jan 30, 2011Steinbeck pencils
John Steinbeck on the Blackwing pencil"I have found a new kind of pencil--the best I have ever had. Of course it costs three times as much but it is black and soft and doesn't br...#Blackwing#JohnSteinbeck#pencils··Feb 1, 2006John Steinbeck on the Blackwing pencil