An opinion piece by Helaine Olen in The Washington Post: “What Britney Spears has endured would not have happened to a male star.” A glaring counter-example would be Brian Wilson.
I think the Omnivore description — “sounds like nothing before or since” — is objectively accurate. Orange Crate Art is music of no time and for all time.
Coming June 26, from Omnivore Recordings, a remastered reissue of Brian Wilson and Van Dyke Parks’s 1995 album Orange Crate Art, with instrumental tracks and three unreleased songs, including an affecting Wilson-Parks interpretation of “What a Wonderful World.”
“Beach Boys founding members Brian Wilson and Al Jardine alerted fans Monday that they have no part in an appearance later this week by a version of the group fronted by cofounder Mike Love at a trophy-hunting convention where Donald Trump Jr. will be the keynote speaker.”
Nick Walusko, aka Nicky Wonder, cofounder of the Wondermints and longtime guitarist with Brian Wilson, has died at the age of fifty-nine. Too soon. Too soon.
From a review of a recent performance: “Throughout most of the show, Wilson sat at his piano, staring blankly and sometimes running a hand across his forehead. Occasionally he played and sang a lyric. But often he missed his cues, mumbled or sang off key. It was sometimes hard to watch.”
Elaine Scarry: “Those who remember making an error about beauty usually . . . recall the exact second when they first realized they had made an error.” With Pet Sounds as an example.