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DFW on the shelf: Now with a screenshot of an MSNBC guest with Infinite Jest and other interesting books behind him.
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DFW on the shelf
DFW on the shelf
On MSNBC just now: on a bookshelf behind Nick Ackerman, former Watergate prosecutor, a copy of Infinite Jest.
DFW on the shelf
Studs Terkel and DFW
Studs Terkel and DFW
Terkel’s observations about the waitress in Five East Pieces remind me of David Foster Wallace’s imagining of the life of a shopper waiting on line in a supermarket.
Studs Terkel and DFW
New not-new DFW
New not-new DFW
An excerpt from David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King has been published by McNally Editions as Something To Do with Paying Attention. The excerpt, a section of the novel (§22), is indeed about paying attention, as is The Pale King itself. Someone who’s paying attention might notice that McNally’s new paperback is more expensive than the paperback edition of The Pale King itself.
New not-new DFW
Deb Larson-Venable talks about David Foster Wallace
Deb Larson-Venable talks about David Foster Wallace
I found it by chance: a 2014 recording of Deb Larson-Venable talking with Christopher Lydon about David Foster Wallace. Deb is the executive director of Granada House, the halfway house where Wallace got sober.
Deb Larson-Venable talks about David Foster Wallace
Arf, arf, arf
Arf, arf, arf
The New York Times reports that two of Barbra Streisand’s three dogs are clones of a fourth now-dead Streisand dog. Reality is turning into a David Foster Wallace novel.
Arf, arf, arf