Bicycles, streetcars, annular systemsJustin Hollander cautions against ditching “good old paper,” pointing out that the merits of such once-passé technologies as bicycles and streetcars have of late been recognized anew.#DavidFosterWallace#paper#technology··Oct 11, 2012Bicycles, streetcars, annular systems
Social relations and technologyDartmouth student Benjamin Schwartz on Facebook and Infinite Jest’s video telephony.#culture#DavidFosterWallace#technology··Feb 2, 2012Social relations and technology
Infinite Jest, noveltyThe Phoneless Cord#fiction#DavidFosterWallace#technology··Feb 20, 2011Infinite Jest, novelty
Infinite Jest and the iPhone"Video telephony"#DavidFosterWallace#fiction#iPhone#technology··Jun 9, 2010Infinite Jest and the iPhone
Infinite Jest, telephony“Video telephony” v. “good old voice-only telephoning”#DavidFosterWallace#fiction#telephone#technology··May 28, 2010Infinite Jest, telephony