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An AI-free Google search.
OCA, immobile again
OCA, immobile again
After a brief effort using mobile view with this blog, I’ve switched back to desktop view. I have my reasons.
OCA, immobile again
.mov and .zip
.mov and .zip
Google has created eight new top-level domains, including .mov and .zip. Imagine the hilarity when someone clicks to open what appears to be a .mov or .zip file and gets taken to a sketchy website. Taken, indeed.
.mov and .zip
Prisoners of Google
Prisoners of Google
From the “Online Shopping” episode of the podcast You’re Wrong About, an exchange between Amanda Mull and host Sarah Marshall: AM: Google is at this point like basically a utility. SM: I don’t know how you could live without it, honestly. Oh gosh. You could use DuckDuckGo
Prisoners of Google
Append reddit
Append reddit
“One of the most-used tools on the internet is not what it used to be”: Charlie Warzel, “The Open Secret of Google Search” (The Atlantic ).
Append reddit
Google, ugh
Google, ugh
From The Washington Post: “Google is manipulating browser extensions to stifle competitors, DuckDuckGo CEO says.” Of course that can only happen if you’re using Chrome.
Google, ugh
The legacy Blogger interface
The legacy Blogger interface
A legacy should get preferential treatment and be admitted to a top school despite a mediocre or less than mediocre academic record. Google, please treat the legacy Blogger interface accordingly and give it every unmerited advantage available.
The legacy Blogger interface
A little Google indignity
A little Google indignity
Proving that I’m not a robot when I’m signed into my account and replying to a comment to my own blog. Sheesh.
A little Google indignity
Spam follies
Spam follies
“I’d rather delete these comments — about thirty so far — than have Orange Crate Art advertise Android apps. No thanks, Google.”
Spam follies
Google Glass on the road
Google Glass on the road
“Google is lobbying officials in at least three U.S. states to stop proposed restrictions on driving with headsets such as Google Glass.”
Google Glass on the road
Coming soon from Google
Coming soon from Google
“If the Official Gmail Blog is to be believed, anyone using Google+ will soon be able to use Gmail to send e-mail to any other Google+ user. The sender will not need to know the sendee’s e-mail address.”
Coming soon from Google
Goodbye, Google Reader
Goodbye, Google Reader
“12,000+ Orange Crate Art subscribers use Google Reader. What’s next for you?”
Goodbye, Google Reader
Mark Hurst on Google Glass
Mark Hurst on Google Glass
Mark Hurst: “The Google Glass feature that (almost) no one is talking about is the experience — not of the user, but of everyone other than the user.”
Mark Hurst on Google Glass
Google Glass
Google Glass
John Gruber: “Strapping a computer display to your face is not the answer.”
Google Glass