Curb your introductionsAn imaginary Wanda Sykes confronts Larry Dvaid: “Why’d you go and introduce that little girl to that anti-vax worm-eaten bear-pranking whale-beheading no-account plug-ugly drug-addict conspiracy-ass Trump-flunkie?”#LarryDavid#politics··Aug 27, 2024Curb your introductions
Curb your Curb referencesOn Saturday, iOS Dictation turned stop and chat into Stop & Shop, capitals and ampersand included.#dictation#LarryDavid··Aug 11, 2024Curb your Curb references
Belching in public, or too much CurbHearing Larry David in Chekhov.#AntonChekhov#LarryDavid··Apr 20, 2024Belching in public, or too much Curb
Confused“You must have me confused with a normal person”: Larry David (Larry David).#LarryDavid··Mar 24, 2024Confused
TrustLarry David, in “Angel Muffin,” tonight’s episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm: “Who am I supposed to trust, the maintenance guy, or Don Junior?”#LarryDavid··Nov 4, 2021Trust
Larry Butler Yeats“I’m a dying animal.”#LarryDavid#Yeats··Jul 15, 2021Larry Butler Yeats
Just walk away“Trump walks off leaving Mauricio Macri standing alone at G20.”#LarryDavid··Dec 3, 2018Just walk away
About last nightA thirteen-second-long debate spoof.#LarryDavid#politics··Oct 4, 2016About last night
“Medium talk”Larry David: “I’m trying to elevate small talk to medium talk.”#LarryDavid#television#talk··Jul 8, 2012“Medium talk”
Recently updatedNow with a link to a new source for little brown notebooks.#LarryDavid#notebooks#paper··Apr 8, 2012Recently updated
Larry David on the red phone["The Lefty Call," Curb Your Enthusiasm (2007).] Larry David has strong feelings about who should be answering the red phone: On the Red Ph...#LarryDavid··Mar 11, 2008Larry David on the red phone