Pretty ProustianInvoluntary memory and shifting mountains.#Nabokov#Proust··Apr 26, 2024Pretty Proustian
Zembla casts a spellSpelling out Zembla in the NYT Spelling Bee.#Nabokov#spelling··Feb 11, 2024Zembla casts a spell
Mailing a letterNabokov’s narrator mails a letter.#letters#mail#Nabokov··Dec 9, 2023Mailing a letter
"Orlovius was displeased”A narrator thinks about how to begin a new chapter.#Nabokov··Dec 3, 2023"Orlovius was displeased”
Healing upwas surprised to see “heal up” in the novel Despair.#Nabokov#words··Nov 26, 2023Healing up
“Yeats is always sincere”John Shade opines. Like James Boswell before him, Charles Kinbote records.#Nabokov··Jan 19, 2023“Yeats is always sincere”
“What emperor?”Alfin the Vague (1873-1918), king of Zembla, Charles Kinbote’s father, “a kind, gentle, absent-minded monarch.”#Nabokov··Jan 19, 2023“What emperor?”
“Insert before a professional”Charles Kinbote, editor and commentator, thanks his publisher, “good old Frank.”#Nabokov··Jan 19, 2023“Insert before a professional”
NYT Letter Boxed failGRIMPEN.#Nabokov#spelling#TSEliot#words··Dec 25, 2022NYT Letter Boxed fail
Parisian hand-billsNabokov and Bove: strange to move from one novel to another and find a similar moment, also on a Paris street.#fiction#Nabokov··Jul 27, 2021Parisian hand-bills
“Deeper matters”A passage from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.#Nabokov··Jul 15, 2021“Deeper matters”
Mr. GoodmanA passage from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.#Nabokov··Jul 15, 2021Mr. Goodman
“Everything”A sentence from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.#Nabokov··Jul 15, 2021“Everything”
Mr. HA passage from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.#Nabokov#Sebald··Jul 7, 2021Mr. H
“Nine eight eleven alarm clocks”A passage from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.#Nabokov··Jul 6, 2021“Nine eight eleven alarm clocks”
“An old picture postcard”A passage from The Real Life of Sebastian Knight.#Nabokov··Jun 28, 2021“An old picture postcard”
Word of the day: brevierBecause it’s National Dictionary Day.#dictionary#Nabokov#typography··Oct 19, 2019Word of the day: brevier
"An enlightened descendant"Nabokov on the pencil.#Nabokov#pencils··Oct 4, 2019"An enlightened descendant"
Hot-dog stands and poetryA Proustian passage from Nabokov.#Nabokov#Proust··Oct 23, 2018Hot-dog stands and poetry
Beginning King LearI was about to teach the first class after a long break. I’d given the students no assignment. So we were going to begin King Lear by reading the play aloud in class. Did the students know that was coming? I don’t think so.#dreams#Nabokov#Shakespeare#teaching··Aug 4, 2018Beginning King Lear
Nabokov, dreamingThere is no getting away from grading, not even in dreams, or especially not in dreams.#dreams#Nabokov··Jul 31, 2018Nabokov, dreaming
From an old notebookVladimir Nabokov on students’ notetaking.#Nabokov#notebooks··Jan 2, 2017From an old notebook
William Weld’s readingBorges and Nabokov.#Borges#Nabokov#politics··Sep 9, 2016William Weld’s reading
Nabokov: “Dixon Pink Anadel!”Has any writer had more to say about pencils than Nabokov?#Nabokov#pencils··Dec 9, 2015Nabokov: “Dixon Pink Anadel!”