Nabokov's unfinishedOn The Original of Laura#fiction#indexcards#Nabokov··Nov 30, 2009Nabokov's unfinished
Nabokov's index cards, coming in NovemberPublishers Weekly review of the unfinished Nabokov novel#books#indexcards#Nabokov#reading··Aug 2, 2009Nabokov's index cards, coming in November
New NabokovThe Original of Laura, to be published October 2009, with reproductions of Nabokov's manuscript index cards#fiction#indexcards#Nabokov··May 2, 2009New Nabokov
Vladimir Nabokov's index cardsExcerpts from Pnin, Pale Fire, and the Foreword to the screenplay of Lolita -- and two photos#Nabokov#indexcards#paper#writing#analog··Mar 16, 2009Vladimir Nabokov's index cards