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The Dictionary People
The Dictionary People
Knowing a bit about rabbit holes, I know the importance of knowing when to stop. But I understand the impulse to keep going, for it’s unlikely that there will be another book about the OED’s Readers.
The Dictionary People
OED life
OED life
This visit to the OED offices includes “astirbroad,” “burner phone,” and “what the what.”
OED life
Blanchett’s OED
Blanchett’s OED
It’s not just Tom Hanks. Cate Blanchett, too, has the twenty-volume second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary on her bookshelves.
Blanchett’s OED
Hanks’s OED
Hanks’s OED
Tom Hanks has the twenty-volume second edition of the Oxford English Dictionary on his bookshelves. As seen on Saturday Night Live tonight.
Hanks’s OED
Iambic beer?
Iambic beer?
For the splittest of seconds, I misread a word in the definition for “Kriek,” the Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day.
Iambic beer?
Word of the day: nixie
Word of the day: nixie
“Post which cannot be forwarded by the postal services because it is illegibly or incorrectly addressed.”
Word of the day: nixie
Word of the day: heirloom
Word of the day: heirloom
Long story short: an heirloom isn’t a weaving machine, nor is it something looming in the distance. Nor is it related to Erroll Garner, though the rights to “Misty” would be quite a heirloom.
Word of the day: heirloom
Cosmetic, cosmos
Cosmetic, cosmos
I wondered last night in a conversation with friends: could cosmetic and cosmos be related? Yes, they could be, and are.
Cosmetic, cosmos
OED birthday words
OED birthday words
Choose a year and get a word that entered the language that year.
OED birthday words
OED wars
OED wars
Did an OED editor delete words with foreign origins?
OED wars
“I heart my dogs [sic] head”
“I heart my dogs [sic] head”
Numerous news items on heart state that the OED had added the symbol ♥. Not so. It’s a new definition of the verb heart that has been added.
“I heart my dogs [sic] head”