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Snoopy, downstairs
Snoopy, downstairs
I always like seeing a Peanuts strip that references some once-obvious, now-gone bit of popular culture.
Snoopy, downstairs
Peanuts selfhood
Peanuts selfhood
I followed as best I could the guidance in “How to draw yourself as a Peanuts character.”
Peanuts selfhood
Meta doghouse
Meta doghouse
Schulz showed the reader a meta doghouse, or guest cottage, a two-dimensional form rendered in three dimensions.
Meta doghouse
Peanuts in French
Peanuts in French
A crossword clue — three letters, “Parisian’s ‘Rats!’” — made me wonder what Charlie Brown says in French. And now I know.
Peanuts in French
Nancy vs. Lucy
Nancy vs. Lucy
Olivia Jaimes: “I feel like Lucy wakes up some mornings and thinks ‘What’s the point?’ Nancy thinks that too, but then she remembers that bread exists.”
Nancy vs. Lucy
Johnny Horizon
Johnny Horizon
I like it when a comic strip turns into a time capsule. Who was Johnny Horizon?
Johnny Horizon