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A teaching moment
A teaching moment
One time after I played Robert Johnson’s recording of “Cross Road Blues,” a student in the front row said “You should’ve played Cream.” I smiled and asked, “Where do you think they got it?”
A teaching moment
Mack McCormick’s Robert Johnsons
Mack McCormick’s Robert Johnsons
Biography of a Phantom, an edited version of Mack McCormick’s never-finished biography of Robert Johnson, is now in print.
Mack McCormick’s Robert Johnsons
Blue canard
Blue canard
Sorry, Open Culture, there’s no evidence that Robert Johnson’s recordings were intentionally speeded up.
Blue canard
Listening to Robert Johnson
Listening to Robert Johnson
"The impossibility of reverse-engineering the circumstances of recording puts me in mind of the title of David Shapiro’s poem 'After a Lost Original': we have no reference point for knowing what Johnson sounded like when recording other than his recordings."
Listening to Robert Johnson