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Made to order
Made to order
It was mid-afternoon, and King Lear was raging on the heath. All at once, the Bronx sky darkened.
Made to order
Milton’s Shakespeare
Milton’s Shakespeare
“Scholars believe they have identified the early owner of one copy of the text, who made hundreds of insightful annotations throughout: John Milton.”
Milton’s Shakespeare
The Shakespearean fool speaks truth to power. He speaks wisdom in the form of deeply sensical nonsense. Giuliani speaks mere nonsense, a fast-paced double-talk whose purpose is merely to befuddle. He’s really no Shakespearean fool at all, though he does play a fool on TV.
Beginning King Lear
Beginning King Lear
I was about to teach the first class after a long break. I’d given the students no assignment. So we were going to begin King Lear by reading the play aloud in class. Did the students know that was coming? I don’t think so.
Beginning King Lear
What’s relatable
What’s relatable
Ira Glass gave teachers of lit an odd little gift with his fleetingly infamous comment that King Lear is “not relatable.” Oh yeah?
What’s relatable
“Act V”
“Act V”
From This American Life: inmates in a Missouri prison rehearsing and performing the final act of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet.
“Act V”