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Der Deppenapostroph
Der Deppenapostroph
From The Guardian, “Germans decry influence of English as ‘idiot’s apostrophe’ gets official approval.”
Der Deppenapostroph
Taylor Swift and the apostrophe
Taylor Swift and the apostrophe
The New York Times addresses a burning question of the day: Should there be an apostrophe in the title of Taylor Swift’s forthcoming album Tortured Poets Department ?
Taylor Swift and the apostrophe
Apostrophes in the news
Apostrophes in the news
“When the two types of apostrophes were converted to the dots and dashes used in Morse code, they spelled out the words ‘Red Handed.’”
Apostrophes in the news
Some rock’s
Some rock’s
“Householders, if you must proclaim your glory to the passerby, think of the way bands manage their names: The Beatles. Or better: The Smiths. Plural, not possessive.”
Some rock’s
Jack Byrd’s idea
Jack Byrd’s idea
“This American Life has updated its 2011 story on patent trolls, ‘When Patents Attack!’ The humble apostrophe plays a part in events recounted in the update, proving to be the crucial bit of evidence in a court case over patent rights.”
Jack Byrd’s idea
Punctuation fail
Punctuation fail
“A new Microsoft ad for Internet Explorer gets it wrong: an apostrophe, not a left quotation mark, should precede 90s.”
Punctuation fail
Waterstones’s missing apostrophe
Waterstones’s missing apostrophe
David Marsh, who created International Apostrophe Day, isn’t troubled by the disappearance of the apostrophe from the name of the British book chain Waterstones
Waterstones’s missing apostrophe
Apostrophes and vandalism
Apostrophes and vandalism
From Greater Manchester, England: Despite her anger that someone had dec­ided to slash her tyres and deface her car, Rachel Ward couldn't he...
Apostrophes and vandalism