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Little Luther
Little Luther
It appears that my representative in Congress, John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15), likes to play with paper dolls. Okay. But it’s not okay to affix a paper doll to a painting that doesn’t belong to you.
Little Luther
Baby’s First Resist-Story
Baby’s First Resist-Story
Fresca and bink have created an alphabet book with wash-away illustrations: Baby’s First Resist-Story. A is for alternative facts.
Baby’s First Resist-Story
NEA, NEH, CPB funding
NEA, NEH, CPB funding
A visual representation of the combined budgets of the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
NEA, NEH, CPB funding
Krugman on Rockwell
Krugman on Rockwell
Right on healthcare reform, wrong about what's happening in a Norman Rockwell painting
Krugman on Rockwell