For complete worksAn anthology is, almost always, a textbook. And it is much easier to fall in love with a (whole) work of literature or philosophy than to fall in love with a textbook.#books#education#reading··Feb 7, 2018For complete works
BUCK TO READING: DROP DEADNo books in this principal's school!#books#education#reading··Nov 11, 2010BUCK TO READING: DROP DEAD
Students and booksThe appeal of paper#books#college#education#reading#technology··Oct 24, 2010Students and books
Psychedelic textbookTextbook cover, from 1968!#education#books#design··May 14, 2008Psychedelic textbook
Words, mere wordsOn the value of language#books#college#education#reading··Jun 13, 2006Words, mere words
ProblemsFrom "Reflections on the "Problem Novel," by Barbara Feinberg: It is easy to spot Alex’s assigned reading books among his real books. His re...#education#books··Feb 1, 2006Problems