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Words of the year
Words of the year
From the Collins Dictionary, brat : inspired by Charli XCX and “characterized by a confident, independent, and hedonistic attitude.”
Words of the year
Words of the year
Words of the year
From the Collins Dictionary, permacrisis, “a term that describes ‘an extended period of instability and insecurity.’”
Words of the year
M-W sentence challenge
M-W sentence challenge
“In the name of federalism, show some empathy, or at least some syzygy, you complicit gaffe-prone dotard,” the hurricane warned, “before I turn you into a gyro platter and recuse myself!”
M-W sentence challenge
Saving Western civ
Saving Western civ
Charles McNamara, a lexicographer for the Latin dictionary Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, writing about what defunding the NEH will mean for his work.
Saving Western civ