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Tea cakes and lemonade
Tea cakes and lemonade
From a New York Times article about publicity for the new, not-new Harper Lee novel Go Set a Watchman.
Tea cakes and lemonade
The word and the world
The word and the world
“Changing the word does little to change the categories that structure Huck Finn’s thinking, which are those of the world in which Huck has been raised.”
The word and the world
Huck's Raft
Huck's Raft
From Joyce Carol Oates' review of Huck's Raft: A History of American Childhood , by Steven Mintz: Huck's Raft is an inspired title for a bo...
Huck's Raft
Oprah picks Faulkner
Oprah picks Faulkner
From Reuters: Talkshow host Oprah Winfrey propelled Nobel-prize winning author William Faulkner up the bestseller list on Saturday, proving ...
Oprah picks Faulkner