Perimeter oscillationsI’m not sure how I came to notice this document, a 2008 working proposal for a redesign of the Pepsi logo by “brand guru” Peter Arnell. Newsweek deemed it real. If it’s not real, it’s at least real gone.#advertising#design··Mar 24, 2023Perimeter oscillations
“Butter maiden” retiredThe days of Native American “mascots” belong in the past.#advertising#culture#design··Apr 20, 2020“Butter maiden” retired
VapoRub, the earliest camel-case brand name?It dates to at least 1920.#advertising#design#typography··Mar 11, 2017VapoRub, the earliest camel-case brand name?
||: ALL-ONE! :||The evolution of the Dr. Bronner label from 1973 to 2015.#advertising#design··Nov 7, 2016||: ALL-ONE! :||
“Warner’s” Trade Mark Super 8If my name were Warner, I’d trademark it and write it that way too.#advertising#design#tools··Apr 10, 2014“Warner’s” Trade Mark Super 8
Lifetyme Mixed Grass Seed“I know that the first day of spring isn’t necessarily the best day to sow grass seed, but it is a good day to post something about grass seed.”#advertising#design#spring··Mar 21, 2014Lifetyme Mixed Grass Seed
Bernhard’s catLucian Bernhard, creator of the Cat’s Paw logo and much more.#advertising#art#design#typography··Jan 10, 2013Bernhard’s cat
Cereals in the hands of an angry blogNo. 21: analysis of sloppy Post cereal box design and copywriting#advertising#design#howtoimprove#misspelling#spelling#typography#words#writing··Jun 22, 2008Cereals in the hands of an angry blog