ClickbaitI am baffled by the way macOS dictation capitalizes Clickbait.#dictation#iOS#macOS··Aug 27, 2024Clickbait
Curb your Curb referencesOn Saturday, iOS Dictation turned stop and chat into Stop & Shop, capitals and ampersand included.#dictation#LarryDavid··Aug 11, 2024Curb your Curb references
Dictating on Apple devicesFrom Apple: commands for dictating text.#Apple#dictation#iOS#macOS··Aug 4, 2024Dictating on Apple devices
Nuts to dictation"Not free," not “nut free.”#Apple#dictation#iOS#macOS··Dec 6, 2023Nuts to dictation
Dictation failure“Mowed exclamation point mowed exclamation point” Mode! Mode!#iPhone#technology#dictation··May 5, 2022Dictation failure
Small pleasuresThe iOS dictation service turned Rathskeller into wrath scholar.#smallpleasures#dictation··Apr 6, 2021Small pleasures
iOS autocorrect and alcoholLemonier Lemonier Glamorous Fleming’s Glamorous Lemonade The name I was trying to enter: Glenmorangie. I think that John Gruber is correct: autocorrect is drunk, and it’s only 8:17 in the morning. And it’s gonna stay drunk all day.#Apple#iOS#whisky#dictation··Feb 13, 2020iOS autocorrect and alcohol
iOS Dictation failIt may be unwise to use Dictation when texting about folk music.#iOS#dictation··Jul 19, 2017iOS Dictation fail
A concluding truck for belated pubs“Transumption is the trope of a trope, or technically the metonymy of a metonymy.”#academia#dictation··Jul 19, 2015A concluding truck for belated pubs
Damn you, Dictation“Edifice will die a hero’s death, endowed by the gods with powers to Courson Blatz.”#Mac#Sophocles#dictation··Nov 8, 2013Damn you, Dictation
Der・ri・daOS X’s Dictation service tries to spell “Derrida.”#Mac#dictation··Nov 2, 2013Der・ri・da
Mac DictationBoogie-boogie, boogie-looking, boogie-wiki, boogie-Woodkey, Boogie-Woody, Boogie-Wookie, okay-Wookie, the de-wiki.#Mac#dictation··Feb 8, 2013Mac Dictation