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D! S! T!
D! S! T!
The half-time show was a celebration of daylight-savings time.
D! S! T!
On the 166
On the 166
I thought this dream was about the passing of time: you can’t go home again, as everything has changed. Elaine thinks I’m already dreaming about deportations.
On the 166
A message
A message
I was in a committee meeting with co-workers, all of us sitting at a conference table in a large otherwise vacant room. The subject under discussion was a letter from the FCC about the aroma of our new movie, which had been deemed unsatisfactory. We were looking at clips from older black-and-white movies to figure out an appropriate aroma.
A message
Dad, i.m.
Dad, i.m.
He showed up in a dream — not for the first time — on July 13. He tapped me on my wrist and said “Michael?” It was unmistakably his voice.
Dad, i.m.
Laptop speaking
Laptop speaking
I opened my laptop and a message in the center of the screen began reading itself aloud: “Hello, Michael. Mr. Eisenhower” — or was it Adenauer? — “has been waiting patiently for you. He is interested not in injecting the incredible but in removing it.”
Laptop speaking
“Frost” and Frost
“Frost” and Frost
I was teaching a poetry class and getting ready for our first meeting after a break, when it’s always a challenge to get back to the realities of a semester. I realized that I had forgotten to bring the two poems we were going to talk about, Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “Frost at Midnight” and Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.” I printed out a copy of each poem in my office and went off to teach.
“Frost” and Frost
Bumping into an ex-governor
Bumping into an ex-governor
I was walking into an office building, and out came Andrew Cuomo. I recognized him, but it took me a second to put a name to the face.
Bumping into an ex-governor
Dream data
Dream data
This phrase showed up in a dream: “epistemic data.” I have invented two possible meanings.
Dream data
Waiting for Bob Dylan
Waiting for Bob Dylan
Dylan was playing an astonishingly good accompaniment, with all sorts of complex substitute chords. I was, as I said to myself, “agape and aghast” and began recording on my phone.
Waiting for Bob Dylan
This is the twenty-seventh teaching dream I’ve had since retiring in 2015. In all but one, something has goes wrong.
K clef
K clef
Corporate sponsorship of a clef.
K clef
Monkey jungle
Monkey jungle
The students were unanimous: they called it a jungle gym. I had always known it as the monkey bars.
Monkey jungle
Going to church
Going to church
At some point during this service I noticed an illustration on my guitar that I’d never noticed before, down by the tailpiece: a cityscape of tall buildings with stylized windows — something that you might see in a Nancy cityscape.
Going to church
TV in the classroom
TV in the classroom
“You know how in The Wire, Walter White shaves his head and wears a black hat and calls himself Heisenberg? Wait — was that The Wire, or Breaking Bad ?”
TV in the classroom
Dad, i.m.
Dad, i.m.
He showed up in a dream in July, a couple of days before what would have been his ninety-fifth birthday.
Dad, i.m.
With Clint Eastwood
With Clint Eastwood
I went to the register to buy three sloes and found the cashier beside himself. “Clint Eastwood is in the store,” he said.
With Clint Eastwood
Harold and Mel
Harold and Mel
Bloom accuses former grad student Tormé of murder.
Harold and Mel
I drove to a conference in a city whose name began with A and found myself in a downtown square.
A witness wardrobe
A witness wardrobe
We were putting up a witness in an upcoming trial. It was just for a day or two. She was blind, and she needed a wardrobe for court.
A witness wardrobe
Night. We were standing in front of a Woolworth’s. We hadn’t been inside one for years. A month’s page from a calendar hung from a string in front of the store. It looked just like a month from my homemade calendars.
Lear, window treatments, pie
Lear, window treatments, pie
This is the twenty-fifth teaching-related dream I’ve had since retiring in 2015. In all but one, something has goes wrong.
Lear, window treatments, pie
A boy stood on the other side of the storm door, three feet tall, roundish, wearing a mask.
Dreaming of Paris
Dreaming of Paris
There we were, in a restaurant. Everyone was speaking French. How great!
Dreaming of Paris
Dream chords
Dream chords
I was showing my friend Rob Zseleczky a beautiful set of chord changes: the chorus of “California Girls.” It’s a simple pattern up and down the neck of the guitar. I like the first chord for each vocal line as a major seventh. It’s not that way in the original. I don’t care.
Dream chords
“I am doing what is called lecturing,” I said, and I was doing quite well.