New directions in footwearKids say the darndest things: my Merrell Moab Adventure 3 shoes have been renamed “jungle shoes.”#childhood#fambly#words··Jun 13, 2024New directions in footwear
Recently updatedNow I think I understand what “gentleman shirts” are.#clothing#fambly#words#childhood··Jun 4, 2024Recently updated
New directions in apparel“Papa’s gentleman shirts.”#childhood#clothing#fambly#words··Jun 3, 2024New directions in apparel
In the great green roomOne of the great moments of grandparenthood (so far): reading Goodnight Moon to a granddaughter who pulled it from the shelf at bedtime and said she didn’t understand it.#books#childhood#fambly··Sep 29, 2022In the great green room
OnomasticsA toddler of my acquaintance calls them “The Get Back Guys.”#Beatles#childhood#fambly··Feb 2, 2022Onomastics
Recently updatedAnother thing my children no longer say.#childhood#fambly··Aug 6, 2019Recently updated
Selected titlesSome of the titles a young relation removed from a bookshelf during her visit.#books#childhood#fambly··Jan 6, 2019Selected titles
How to clear your placeHold plate high. High, high, high. All the way up. That’s it. All the way up. Yay!#childhood#fambly··Jan 2, 2019How to clear your place
Boolean dayshow many families have reinvented Boolean operators when playing the children’s game Guess Who?#childhood#fambly··Feb 21, 2018Boolean days
From an old notebook“We went to some really old people last year, but they gave us a lot of candy.”#childhood#fambly#notebooks··Dec 13, 2016From an old notebook
From an old notebook“I hear footprints!”#childhood#fambly#notebooks··Nov 28, 2016From an old notebook
Happy birthday, Beverly ClearyBeverly Cleary celebrates her hundredth birthday today.#books#childhood#fambly#BeverlyCleary··Apr 14, 2016Happy birthday, Beverly Cleary
Blue and redFrom my daughter’s childhood: a painting of a watercolor palette.#art#childhood#fambly··Jan 23, 2016Blue and red
Lois Lilienstein (1936–2015)Sharon, Lois & Bram cassettes were a main staple of our children’s childhoods.#childhood#fambly#music#television··May 3, 2015Lois Lilienstein (1936–2015)
Dad the tooterMy son Ben has revealed a misunderstanding from his childhood.#childhood#fambly#life··Dec 23, 2014Dad the tooter
Things my children no longer say“It’s rally, rally, rally cold. It’s f-f-f-f-freeeeezing.”#childhood#fambly#words··Dec 16, 2013Things my children no longer say