National Handwriting DayFrom Kiss of Death (dir. Henry Hathaway, 1947), fictional proof that handwriting opens doors.#film#handwriting··Jan 23, 2022National Handwriting Day
“The important thing is handwriting”From Pedro Almodóvar’s What Have I Done to Deserve This?#film#handwriting··Sep 17, 2017“The important thing is handwriting”
Pocket notebook sightingIn City Girl (dir. F. W. Murnau, 1930).#film#handwriting#notebooks··May 15, 2016Pocket notebook sighting
Handwritten BressonAu hasard Balthazar (1966), another Robert Bresson film with handwriting.#RobertBresson#film#handwriting··Mar 21, 2014Handwritten Bresson
Handwritten BressonLike the three other Bresson films I’ve seen, A Man Escaped has moments of handwriting. And like the other three, the film is completely compelling.#film#handwriting#RobertBresson··Mar 4, 2014Handwritten Bresson
Pocket notebook sightingIn Diary of a Country Priest#notebooks#film#RobertBresson#handwriting··Jun 26, 2007Pocket notebook sighting