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On Willa Cather’s birthday
On Willa Cather’s birthday
Willa Cather was born on this day in 1873. From a letter to William Lyon Phelps, critic and professor, May 29, 1943. Phelps has sent along...
On Willa Cather’s birthday
“Letters! Actual Letters!”
“Letters! Actual Letters!”
The latest episode of This American Life is all about real mail: “Letters! Actual Letters!” With enough human interest to fill a relay box.
“Letters! Actual Letters!”
Epistolary Fritzi
Epistolary Fritzi
“The secret to having a penpal is to avoid getting bogged down with responding to every small comment they make in their letter. If you do, you’ll just spend the whole letter recapping what they sent you.”
Epistolary Fritzi
Wind the clock
Wind the clock
Here’s a letter from E.B. White to, it would seem, a one-off correspondent in despair — despair over the state of the world, I would guess.
Wind the clock
Thank you
Thank you
“Do thank-you notes still matter?” The New York Times says “Yes.”
Thank you
A lost art
A lost art
“I thought letter writing was a lost art, like steer milking.”
A lost art
A way to keep your correspondence confidential.
Then, Voyager
Then, Voyager
A complete kit for writing V-Mail, with everything but fountain pen and mechanical pencil: ink, leads, stationery, pen wiper, calendar, ruler, and instructions for pen care.
Then, Voyager
“Free Letters”
“Free Letters”
The New York Times reports on a theater professor’s COVID-era letter-writing service.
“Free Letters”
Letters, now
Letters, now
In the time of the coronavirus, Lynell George suggests writing letters.
Letters, now
Tunes, looney
Tunes, looney
“You showed no remorse, Charlie Brown, no capacity for self-reflection!”
Tunes, looney
Willie Perdomo on writing letters
Willie Perdomo on writing letters
“Letters are where we argue, say goodbye, dream, fail, forgive, and tell our secrets, and send regrets. We can't filter our lives or curate our feeds in letters. Letters are where we attempt to tell the truth and wait.”
Willie Perdomo on writing letters
Bush to Clinton
Bush to Clinton
The note that George H.W. Bush left for Bill Clinton seems like an artifact from a lost America.
Bush to Clinton
Eberhard Faber letterhead
Eberhard Faber letterhead
Sean at Blackwing Pages and Contrapuntalism passed on this scan of the Eberhard Faber letterhead, complete with telephone exchange name, cable address, diamond star trademark, and two-digit postal code. And trailing clouds of graphite, a bright, sharp no. 2 Mongol.
Eberhard Faber letterhead