NYPLAn NYC tax photo, with the library looking like an urban Emerald City.#libraries#NewYorkCity#photography#NYCMunicipalArchives·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 23, 2022NYPL
Patience, Fortitude, and feetPatience and Fortitude are back. And the happy foot/sad foot sign has a home.#libraries#LosAngeles#NewYorkCity#signage·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 3, 2019Patience, Fortitude, and feet
A real-life BookmanFrom Gay Talese’s New York: A Serendipter’s Journey. John T. Murphy was a “veteran sleuth” and Supervising Investigator for the New York Public Library.#libraries#NewYorkCity·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 1, 2016A real-life Bookman