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Meta detectives
Meta detectives
“Now wait a minute, you guys aren’t serious. What are you, a couple of actors out of work? You don’t even look like detectives.”
Meta detectives
Meta Raft
Meta Raft
“But your type never changes. Just looking at you makes me think of alley fighting, tommy guns.” “Is that bad?”
Meta Raft
Meta doghouse
Meta doghouse
Schulz showed the reader a meta doghouse, or guest cottage, a two-dimensional form rendered in three dimensions.
Meta doghouse
Naked City meta
Naked City meta
An actor playing a cop playing a screen hoodlum, an actress playing a nurse, and an actress playing an actress playing a screen airline hostess.
Naked City meta
Meta Zits
Meta Zits
A speech balloon, the thinnest of excuses.
Meta Zits
Return of the Jed
Return of the Jed
Nicely meta to have Jed Leland’s column appear in The Magnificent Ambersons.
Return of the Jed