MisreadingEvery time I cycle through the cable menu, I misread Henry Danger as Henry Darger.#HenryDarger#misreading·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 11, 2022Misreading
Misreading the cookie“An enjoyable vacation is awaiting you near the mountains.” I read vaccination.#misreading·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 23, 2020Misreading the cookie
BAGS TO RAGEI misread a screen title in a Marie Kondo episode.#misreading#television·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jan 30, 2019BAGS TO RAGE
Iambic beer?For the splittest of seconds, I misread a word in the definition for “Kriek,” the Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day.#OED#poetry#words#misreading·mleddy.blogspot.com·May 29, 2017Iambic beer?
MisreadingsMy signage misreadings result not from prankishness but from willful guessing at a distance.#misreading#signage·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jan 11, 2017Misreadings
MisreadI wish I could say that I can always trust my handwriting.#handwriting#misreading·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jul 17, 2013Misread
Illegibility and shopping“plague rinse”#handwriting#shopping#misreading·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jan 20, 2012Illegibility and shopping
Robert Frost's handwritingErrors in transcribing his notebooks#RobertFrost#handwriting#misreading·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jan 23, 2008Robert Frost's handwriting
Signage, misreadDEPRESSANTS, FREE WIFE#signage#misreading·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 20, 2006Signage, misread