Multitasking drains the brainRichard Cytowic: “The high energy cost of cortical activity is why selective attention — focusing on one thing at a time — exists in the first place and why multitasking is an unaffordable fool’s errand.”#attention#multitasking··Jan 7, 2025Multitasking drains the brain
Eleanor Roosevelt on attentionNo multitasker, she.#attention#EleanorRoosevelt#GTD#multitasking··Aug 4, 2017Eleanor Roosevelt on attention
New directions in multitaskingSmoking, texting, skateboarding.#attention#multitasking··Dec 1, 2013New directions in multitasking
Multitasking: "not paying attention"From Jared Sandberg's column "Cubicle Culture": Multitasking, a term cribbed from computers, is an information age creed that, while almost ...#multitasking#attention#lifehacks··Sep 12, 2006Multitasking: "not paying attention"