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Mess with Texas
Mess with Texas
“Pro-choice users on TikTok and Reddit have launched a guerrilla effort to thwart Texas’s extreme new abortion law, flooding an online tip website that encourages people to report violators of the law with false reports, Shrek memes, and porn.”
Mess with Texas
Mr. Businessmen
Mr. Businessmen
It’s surprising but not surprising to hear a president of the United States in 2020 refer to “businessmen,” and not, say, business owners.
Mr. Businessmen
“You can’t un-see it”
“You can’t un-see it”
Jen Gunter, OB/GYN: “once you start viewing every discussion we have about the female body from the perspective of how it advances the patriarchy or how it pleases men you can’t un-see it.”
“You can’t un-see it”