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Gabbard, Palin, Hitchens
Gabbard, Palin, Hitchens
Tulsi Gabbard is the Sarah Palin of Christopher Hitchenses. Or: Tulsi Gabbard is the Christopher Hitchens of Sarah Palins. I can see it both ways.
Gabbard, Palin, Hitchens
At the table
At the table
“We should continue to focus on kitchen-table pocketbook issues.” That’s boilerplate language.
At the table
“The best witches”
“The best witches”
From a New York Times editorial : “For a witch hunt, Mr. Mueller’s investigation has already bagged a remarkable number of witches.”
“The best witches”
Scabs and banjos
Scabs and banjos
Chris Matthews, speaking of Donald Trump on Meet the Press today : “He knows he can find the issues that rip the scab off this cultural divide, and he plays it like a banjo.”
Scabs and banjos
Good cop, bad cop
Good cop, bad cop
This metaphor for a Tillerson–Trump North Korea strategy is, let’s say, faulty. And not merely because there is no evidence of a coordinated strategy.
Good cop, bad cop
Extending a metaphor
Extending a metaphor
The shit will continue to hit the fan with tiny fecal hands, knocking the fan off the tabletop (it’s a table fan) and making a mess everywhere.
Extending a metaphor