Gabbard, Palin, HitchensTulsi Gabbard is the Sarah Palin of Christopher Hitchenses. Or: Tulsi Gabbard is the Christopher Hitchens of Sarah Palins. I can see it both ways.#metaphor#politics··Oct 18, 2022Gabbard, Palin, Hitchens
Italy’s Sardines“Organizers say their goal is to stop a far-right, anti-immigrant wave rising in Italian society and politics.”#politics#sardines#metaphor··Dec 25, 2019Italy’s Sardines
At the table“We should continue to focus on kitchen-table pocketbook issues.” That’s boilerplate language.#metaphor#politics··Jul 22, 2019At the table
“The best witches”From a New York Times editorial : “For a witch hunt, Mr. Mueller’s investigation has already bagged a remarkable number of witches.”#metaphor#politics··Aug 26, 2018“The best witches”
Steroids and stilts“Trump is Nixon on steroids and stilts”: John Dean (who should know).#metaphor#politics··Mar 21, 2018Steroids and stilts
Scabs and banjosChris Matthews, speaking of Donald Trump on Meet the Press today : “He knows he can find the issues that rip the scab off this cultural divide, and he plays it like a banjo.”#metaphor#politics#simile··Nov 4, 2017Scabs and banjos
Good cop, bad copThis metaphor for a Tillerson–Trump North Korea strategy is, let’s say, faulty. And not merely because there is no evidence of a coordinated strategy.#metaphor#politics··Oct 9, 2017Good cop, bad cop
Extending a metaphorThe shit will continue to hit the fan with tiny fecal hands, knocking the fan off the tabletop (it’s a table fan) and making a mess everywhere.#metaphor#politics··Feb 15, 2017Extending a metaphor
Awkward metaphor of the day“He’s not going to be a wallflower that’s going to get pushed around.”#metaphor#politics#television··Oct 30, 2016Awkward metaphor of the day
Block that metaphor“They’re trying to find the middle ground where they can straddle this awkward situation.”#metaphor#politics#television··Oct 13, 2016Block that metaphor
Recently updatedStefan Hagemann deconstructs of a Trump-campaign metaphor.#metaphor#politics··Aug 22, 2016Recently updated
Spinning and pitchingA dubious three-part metaphor to explain why Donald Trump is now on his third campaign manager.#metaphor#politics··Aug 22, 2016Spinning and pitching
Awkward metaphor of the day“She’s straddling both ends of this.”#metaphor#politics··Jul 29, 2016Awkward metaphor of the day
Bad metaphor of the day“All sides of the political spectrum.”#metaphor#politics··Feb 4, 2013Bad metaphor of the day
Cliffs and metaphors“If the cliff is behind us, doesn’t that mean that we’ve already —”#metaphor#politics··Jan 6, 2013Cliffs and metaphors
Block that metaphorCliffs and goal posts.#metaphor#politics··Dec 7, 2012Block that metaphor
Happy harvestMirr Romney, harvesting people. Aiiee.#metaphor#politics··Sep 30, 2012Happy harvest
Kurt Andersen on American politicsAutoimmune disorders and the paranoid style in American politics.#culture#metaphor#politics··Aug 23, 2011Kurt Andersen on American politics
A cow on the tracksMichael Steele's inept metaphor#metaphor#politics··Oct 14, 2009A cow on the tracks
Rod Blagojevich, maker of metaphorsHe thinks he's Icarus (ugh)#Homer#metaphor#myth#Odyssey#politics··Sep 8, 2009Rod Blagojevich, maker of metaphors
Enough with the sink"The kitchen sink strategy": a dying metaphor rears its head#metaphor#politics··Oct 7, 2008Enough with the sink
Metaphor of the dayJune 3 = February 5#metaphor#politics··Jun 3, 2008Metaphor of the day
Political metaphor of the dayA crash in West Virginia#metaphor#politics··May 9, 2008Political metaphor of the day
Bad metaphor of the dayEd Rendell compares students for Obama to Kool-Aid drinkers#BarackObama#metaphor#politics··Apr 22, 2008Bad metaphor of the day
James Carville's metaphorsJust words, right?#metaphor#politics#words··Mar 25, 2008James Carville's metaphors
Strained political metaphors of the dayCarpetbagging beaver! Drunken horse! Tired as dogs! From Erica Jong : We have two great candidates — one a hard working, never give up eager...#metaphor#politics#words··Mar 24, 2008Strained political metaphors of the day
Puzzling political metaphor of the dayAbout a steamroller#metaphor#politics#words··Mar 21, 2008Puzzling political metaphor of the day
Political tropes of the dayThe campaign aides cited in this New York Times article do just fine. But watch the reporter overreach: One aide wearily compared the cam...#metaphor#politics#simile#words··Mar 18, 2008Political tropes of the day