“I would read three to four books a day after school, and could read for 16 hours at a time,” he told the Times in 1980. “Mind you, that’s all I did. I belonged to three lending libraries and the public library.”
Books UnBanned offers readers between the ages of thirteen and twenty-one, anywhere in the United States, a year’s free access to the Brooklyn Public Library’s e-books and audiobooks.
An anonymous reader asked me to “correct” the Favorite Books section of my Blogger profile by listing titles instead of writers. From my point of view, there’s nothing to fix. As my wife Elaine suggests, you can take any name on the list as prefaced by the words “anything by.”
A president and his sister: “What do you do?” the president asked. “I read,” Barry replied. “What do you read?” the president said. “Books,” Barry said.
You can find nuance in this piece from The Chronicle of Higher Education if you like, but here’s the bottom line: a professor invited his students to read a book — a “physical book” — for extra credit.
Ammon Shea: “The fact that my shelves are filled with things I haven’t yet read and want to, and things that I’ve read before and want to revisit, means I will never be at a loss for entertainment at home.”
Another step toward what I call the reality-TV-ification of everything : today’s Donald Trump–Kanye West meeting. How glorious to have two proud non-readers of books in the Oval Office at the same time.