Give ’em an inch . . .. . . and they’ll take a foot. It’s a Los Angeles thing.#LosAngeles#signage··Mar 16, 2021Give ’em an inch . . .
Patience, Fortitude, and feetPatience and Fortitude are back. And the happy foot/sad foot sign has a home.#libraries#LosAngeles#NewYorkCity#signage··Nov 3, 2019Patience, Fortitude, and feet
Feet on the moveThe Sunset Foot Clinic is leaving Silver Lake. And with it will go a famous happy foot/sad foot sign with a connection to David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King.#DavidFosterWallace#LosAngeles#signage··Jun 30, 2019Feet on the move
Los Angeles palimpsestThis unassuming sign was the occasion for posts in 2012 and 2014.#LosAngeles#signage··Apr 1, 2016Los Angeles palimpsest
El Coyote neonAs seen in Los Angeles.#LosAngeles#signage··Apr 1, 2016El Coyote neon
Los Angeles palimpsestA sign with graffiti.#LosAngeles#signage··Nov 28, 2012Los Angeles palimpsest
California cubismOn my first visit to Los Angeles last November, I paid a lot of attention to the signage.#art#LosAngeles#signage··Jan 7, 2012California cubism
James M. Cain on Los AngelesA catalogue of signage, from James M. Cain’s “Paradise,” a 1933 essay on Los Angeles.#LosAngeles#signage#writing··Jan 2, 2012James M. Cain on Los Angeles
Foot Clinic signOn West Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, and In David Foster Wallace’s The Pale King.#DavidFosterWallace#LosAngeles#signage··Dec 12, 2011Foot Clinic sign