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Phish identification
Phish identification
Adam Engst’s “An Annotated Field Guide to Identifying Phish.” Worth reading carefully — just as with sketchy e-mails.
Phish identification
I get pitches
I get pitches
“Hello! Great to MEAT you!” It’s all about meat and health and positive emotions.
I get pitches
Lighting and me
Lighting and me
I finally realized why I get so much spam mail about lighting fixtures.
Lighting and me
When it comes to spam comments, one might think of sincerity as the test of a writer’s technique. Sincerity is crucial. Once you can fake that, &c., as the saying goes.
iOS to the rescue
iOS to the rescue
“Since I have practically no knowledge of Nuclear Physics I resorted to iOS auto-complete function to help me writing the paper.”
iOS to the rescue
Three B s
Three B s
A great name appeared in my spam folder this afternoon: Mr. Berenguer Bolivar Basilio.
Three B s
New directions in spam comments
New directions in spam comments
“Many an afternoon has been enjoyed by a family, bonding over the discussion of Personal Injury Attorney in Atlanta.”
New directions in spam comments
It must be the hopeless romantic in me. But I like getting spam from Brazil.
“[I]t made me to weep with delight”
“[I]t made me to weep with delight”
I cannot claim to jump for joy (or leap over contentment), but I do I take perverse pleasure in reading such stuff before deleting. O brave new world, that has such spammers in it.
“[I]t made me to weep with delight”
A perfect way of writing
A perfect way of writing
The place elѕe may just anybоdy get that type of information in such a perfect way of writing?
A perfect way of writing
Spam, glorious spam
Spam, glorious spam
Their assessments and papers are NO easy task, so for those who say online schools are "dummed down" are highly mistaken. [Sic.]
Spam, glorious spam
Spam names
Spam names
CNN reports that "as many as 9 out of [ sic ] 10 e-mails" are now spam. My academic e-mail address ("harvested," like a still-useful organ, ...
Spam names
The poetry of spam
The poetry of spam
In my mailbox this evening, there was a plea for URGENT ATTENTION from one Gregorio Singleton. A name like that and he needs attention? His ...
The poetry of spam