“School supplies and fun”A 1953 Woolworth advertisement for school supplies.#dowdyworld#pencils#stationery#supplies·mleddy.blogspot.com·Aug 14, 2017“School supplies and fun”
Call Northside 777 for supplies and technologyDowdy-world office supplies and technology.#dowdyworld#film#supplies#technology·mleddy.blogspot.com·May 16, 2017Call Northside 777 for supplies and technology
An EXchange name on screenAlso vertical files, wooden file trays, &c. From Armored Car Robbery.#dowdyworld#supplies#telephone#EXchangenames·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 1, 2016An EXchange name on screen
FilexDo my folders date from the 1940s? I have no idea.#dowdyworld#supplies·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 8, 2016Filex
Barton Keyes’s officeFrom the film Double Indemnity. Three telephones, a Dictaphone, extra cylinders, books, papers, a desk calendar, wall charts, and file cabinets. Oh, those file cabinets.#dowdyworld#film#stationery#supplies·mleddy.blogspot.com·Dec 21, 2015Barton Keyes’s office
At the Queen Street Police StationA glimpse of office life from Niagara (dir. Henry Hathaway, 1953).#dowdyworld#film#supplies·mleddy.blogspot.com·Dec 21, 2015At the Queen Street Police Station
RolodexCooper-Hewitt’s Object of the Day.#design#dowdyworld#supplies·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 23, 2014Rolodex