Henry boothsFun with phone booths.#comics#dowdyworld#Henry#telephone·mleddy.blogspot.com·May 27, 2018Henry booths
“Telephone Inside”It must be in the dowdy world, not the future, because the telephone booth still has a telephone.#comics#dowdyworld#Henry#telephone·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 15, 2018“Telephone Inside”
Calling HenryIn the Henry-world, all telephones are landlines.#comics#Henry#telephone·mleddy.blogspot.com·Oct 7, 2015Calling Henry
Hi and BellA Bell Telephone sign in Hi and Lois.#comics#Hi&Lois#telephone·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jul 10, 2011Hi and Bell
People, it's bad (Hi and Lois)How not to draw a telephone#comics#telephone#Hi&Lois·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 1, 2008People, it's bad (Hi and Lois)