Cloris Leachman (1926–2021)The most abiding image: as Phyllis Lindstrom in The Mary Tyler Moore Show. The most striking: as Christina Bailey, running down the highway in nothing but a trenchcoat in Kiss Me Deadly. The strangest: as Ruth Martin in Lassie, pre-June Lockhart.#film#Lassie#television#MaryTylerMoore··Feb 1, 2021Cloris Leachman (1926–2021)
Mystery actorThere’s a farm in her future.#film#Lassie#television#mysteryactor··Dec 24, 2020Mystery actor
Deep-focus LassieLassie, in the Gregg Toland manner.#film#television#Lassie··Jan 1, 2015Deep-focus Lassie
More deep-focus LassieThere’s more to Lassie than I thought.#film#television#Lassie··Oct 24, 2013More deep-focus Lassie
Deep-focus LassieA striking shot, perhaps a minor homage to the great deep-focus pioneer Gregg Toland.#film#television#Lassie··Oct 24, 2013Deep-focus Lassie