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In search of lost commercials
In search of lost commercials
Did you know that “so many of the melodies of well-known popular songs were actually written by the great masters”? I did, but I had no idea who was speaking those words.
In search of lost commercials
A spokesman on the move
A spokesman on the move
For a moment tonight, I thought that maybe Joe Namath’s water heater really had exploded. Because there was George Foreman, shilling for some Medicare (Advantage? Supplement?) plan.
A spokesman on the move
Joe Namath on TV
Joe Namath on TV
I’m not sure which scenario is worse to contemplate: that Joe Namath needs these benefits, or that he’s willing to say that he does to make some money. O television!
Joe Namath on TV
Higher Education PSA
Higher Education PSA
The exhortation to “Give to the college of your choice” has been superseded, I’d say, by the bumper-sticker proclamation “My daughter/son and my money go to .”
Higher Education PSA