Masonic TiconderogaA Dixon Ticonderoga in a Perry Mason episode.#pencils#PerryMason#television#DixonTiconderoga··Nov 7, 2016Masonic Ticonderoga
Lassie TiconderogaIn a farmhouse just outside Calverton, the pencil of choice is the Dixon Ticonderoga.#DixonTiconderoga#Lassie#pencils#television··Aug 27, 2015Lassie Ticonderoga
Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, TiconderogaPencils of The Dick Van Dyke Show.#pencils#television#DixonTiconderoga··Nov 14, 2014Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga
Star Trek paper and pencilsAncient technology of the future.#paper#pencils#television#DixonTiconderoga··Jul 11, 2014Star Trek paper and pencils