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A concise description
A concise description
“A spray-tanned, drugged-up pitchman for Regeneron”: on MSNBC, David Plouffe just offered this concise description of Donald Trump*.
A concise description
Calamari on the beach
Calamari on the beach
Many people found Rhode Island’s presentation delightful. But mileage varies. I found this bit deeply, unintentionally weird, in that low-budget-TV-commercial way.
Calamari on the beach
C-SPAN reveals all
C-SPAN reveals all
As with two-person political debates, the best place to see the Trump Fourth speech was C-SPAN, which cut away again and again for shots of the crowd.
C-SPAN reveals all
A lying narcissist with a big tie. But any resemblance to a real person is purely coincidental.
Screen life
Screen life
“By all accounts, Mr. Trump’s consumption of cable television has actually increased in recent months.”
Screen life
Reality TV and the White House
Reality TV and the White House
“Omarosa was fired three times on The Apprentice, and this is the fourth time we let her go.” “We”? The blurred line between reality TV and the White House could not be clearer.
Reality TV and the White House
I didn’t clap during the State of the Union address. Then again, I didn’t watch. On purpose.
TV days
TV days
The Times reports that “people close to him estimate that Mr. Trump spends at least four hours a day, and sometimes as much as twice that, in front of a television.”
TV days
Things to do on Friday
Things to do on Friday
I too would like to think that changing the channel or turning off the television will somehow bruise a certain outsize ego. But it’s not happening.
Things to do on Friday
No TV news
No TV news
I dread what the next four years might mean for my country, but I don’t need a television to know about it.
No TV news
Reality TV?
Reality TV?
Is the cheap-looking background in Donald Trump’s self-serving taped “statement” meant to look like the kind of background one sees on cable news? Is the background meant to give (someone) the impression that Trump is answering an anchor’s question and not merely reading from a script?
Reality TV?
Eyes on the plane
Eyes on the plane
Andrew Sullivan’s recent lament about the failure of “elites” to protect democracy from the likes of Donald Trump misses the point that Trump’s candidacy is itself the product of an elite — not a political elite but a media elite, one that has kept Trump (and even his parked plane) front and center for months now.
Eyes on the plane