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Lambini & Sons
Lambini & Sons
I am happy to see Lambini & Sons in today’s Far Side selection.
Lambini & Sons
Lambini & Sons
Lambini & Sons
As the son of a tile man, I had a clipped-from-the-newspaper copy on my office door for years.
Lambini & Sons
Tinta Azul
Tinta Azul
I know that one is never supposed to buy wine for the label, especially not a label with a picture of a critter. But Tinta Azul I had to buy for its label. Look: tile work. And the name means “blue ink.”
Tinta Azul
Fine Arts tile
Fine Arts tile
If the floor is as old as the building, it’s from 1886.
Fine Arts tile
Labor Day
Labor Day
At the Library of Congress, a restorer at work.
Labor Day
No job too small
No job too small
I see more frequent and more exotic homonym errors than I used to. Maybe the most surprising so far is pros for prose . But sometimes even ...
No job too small
Leddy Ceramic Tile
Leddy Ceramic Tile
For whatever reason, Google no longer finds the link to a post that mentioned my now-retired dad's tile business, Leddy Ceramic Tile. I ...
Leddy Ceramic Tile