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Thomas’ dots
Thomas’ dots
I like to read the box at breakfast, or the carton, or the plastic bag. Thus I noticed a typographical oddity on the bag holding a loaf of Thomas’ Cinnamon Swirl Bread.
Thomas’ dots
Italic frenemy
Italic frenemy
I am cheered to know that at least one cartoon character is alert enough to notice and comment snarkily on typography.
Italic frenemy
One space, two spaces
One space, two spaces
Matthew Butterick of Practical Typography looks at a research study’s claim that the use of two spaces after a period makes text more readable.
One space, two spaces
The Clearview exit
The Clearview exit
Henry Petroski laments the coming disappearance of the typeface Clearview, used on United States highway signs since 2004.
The Clearview exit