Hail to thee, blithe Parsnip!I think of the parsnip as the carrot’s quiet cousin. There’s the carrot, in the center of the room, doing a magic trick or telling a colorful (heh) story. And there’s the parsnip, over in a corner, looking at the titles on the bookshelf.#poetry#vegetables·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jan 16, 2024Hail to thee, blithe Parsnip!
Word of the day: zucchiniAka courgette.#fambly#vegetables#words·mleddy.blogspot.com·Sep 8, 2015Word of the day: zucchini
Red cabbageThe psychedelica of the vegetable kingdom.#photography#vegetables·mleddy.blogspot.com·Dec 25, 2012Red cabbage
Hail, kaleShort poetic tribute to a cruciferous vegetable#vegan#vegetables·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 21, 2006Hail, kale