Words of the day: estrade and daisWhat’s the word for the platform at the front of a classroom where the instructor’s desk stands? Is there a word for it? I was reaching for such a word on Saturday and later found one in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette : estrade.#teaching#words#Brontë·mleddy.blogspot.com·May 28, 2021Words of the day: estrade and dais
Word of the day: hogwashAs found in Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley (1849).#words#Brontë·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jul 7, 2020Word of the day: hogwash
Three words from Charlotte BrontëIng, holm, beck.#words#Brontë·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 20, 2020Three words from Charlotte Brontë
A word from Charlotte BrontëIt’s Barmecide, from Jane Eyre.#words#Brontë·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 20, 2020A word from Charlotte Brontë
Word of the day: gormlessFrom Wuthering Heights.#words#Brontë·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jan 29, 2020Word of the day: gormless