Sesquipedalian Sluggo (with liverwurst)Sluggo, Bryan Garner, and big words.#BryanGarner#comics#Nancy#words··Oct 22, 2024Sesquipedalian Sluggo (with liverwurst)
LollygaggingBeetle Bailey looks up a word.#comics#slang#words··May 12, 2023Lollygagging
Word of the day: commuterIt appears in a Nancy strip in 1950. How old is the word?#comics#Nancy#words··Dec 30, 2022Word of the day: commuter
“Qua”I can’t decide if it’s a joke on Waiting for Godot. It might just be someone being witty about qua.#comics#words··Mar 11, 2022“Qua”
“Fast to my pocket”“You sewed my dollar bill fast to my pocket.”#comics#Nancy#words··Feb 2, 2022“Fast to my pocket”
Zippy’s thesaurusIn today’s Zippy, a prehistoric thesaurus.#comics#words#Zippy··Dec 29, 2021Zippy’s thesaurus
Nancy and orbisculateNancy is pretending that she’s eating grapefruit. She’s also pretending to orbisculate.#comics#Nancy#words··Dec 24, 2021Nancy and orbisculate
Word of the day: furbishToday’s Zippy has taught me that furbish is a word.#comics#words#Zippy··Oct 3, 2021Word of the day: furbish
Far Side cave formations“Oo! Grog run into a . . . a . . dang! Now which kind stick up and which kind hang down?”#comics#memory#words··Aug 13, 2021Far Side cave formations
Zippy thesaurusIn today’s Zippy: Peter Mark Roget.#comics#words#Zippy··Apr 9, 2021Zippy thesaurus
Nancy, champeenThe ghosts of my grandparents are speaking through Nancy.#comics#Nancy#words··Feb 11, 2020Nancy, champeen
Word of the day: franistanFranistan, kravistate, and Zippy.#comics#words#Zippy··Nov 21, 2019Word of the day: franistan
“Regional Terms for Carbonated Beverages”“Kid’s coffee.” From xkcd.#comics#words#xkcd··Feb 10, 2019“Regional Terms for Carbonated Beverages”
HedgesKinda, sorta, and more, in the comic strip Zits.#comics#language#words··Nov 12, 2018Hedges
Dreaming of autumn and fallPrecognitive dreaming? Autumn, fall, Mutts, and synonymity.#comics#dreams#words#Mutts··Sep 23, 2018Dreaming of autumn and fall
Soil as a verbA Henry panel. “Soil” is a verb you don’t hear much these days.#comics#dowdyworld#Henry#words··Jul 23, 2018Soil as a verb
Zippy bangles“Stretchable diamond bangles.”#comics#words#Zippy··Jun 9, 2017Zippy bangles
“Hungh?”An odd question in Mark Trail.#comics#MarkTrail#OED#words#ZoraNealeHurston··Apr 12, 2017“Hungh?”
Word of the day: frammisFrom Nancy.#comics#Nancy#words··Jan 6, 2016Word of the day: frammis
Word of the day: hustingsA word in Zippy.#comics#words#Zippy··Oct 27, 2015Word of the day: hustings
To adjective, to adverb, to verbFrom xkcd.#comics#grammar#words#xkcd··Nov 14, 2014To adjective, to adverb, to verb
Word of the day: novelty“You don’t see novelty shops so much anymore.”#comics#Henry#words··Mar 21, 2014Word of the day: novelty
Word of the day: VeloxFrom Zippy.#comics#words#Zippy··Feb 3, 2014Word of the day: Velox
Linus, nauseatedIf anyone in the comics is going to observe a distinction between nauseated and nauseous, it would be Linus van Pelt.#comics#usage#words#Peanuts··Jan 12, 2014Linus, nauseated
Word of the day: smellumI startled slightly when I saw today’s Henry.#comics#dowdyworld#slang#words··Nov 13, 2013Word of the day: smellum