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Word of the day: ekphrasis
Word of the day: ekphrasis
I recall sitting in an NEH seminar and being told that if one wanted to befuddle colleagues, all that was necessary was to speak the word ekphrasis. Well, maybe. I’m not so sure.
Word of the day: ekphrasis
Iambic beer?
Iambic beer?
For the splittest of seconds, I misread a word in the definition for “Kriek,” the Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day.
Iambic beer?
Word of the day: opusculum
Word of the day: opusculum
For readers of modern poetry, opusculum will recall Wallace Stevens’s poem “Study of Two Pears.”
Word of the day: opusculum
The winning word from the Scripps National Spelling Bee, in Hart Crane's The Bridge
Trompe l'oeil
Trompe l'oeil
3703 students: From the word-a-day service: trompe l'oeil (tromp lye) noun 1. A style of painting in which objects are render...
Trompe l'oeil
Gregory Corso and words
Gregory Corso and words
Here's the poet Gregory Corso (1930-2001) on his love of words: See, I know words--beautiful words from the past that people don't know, and...
Gregory Corso and words