“Why is this here?”From xkcd: “Design Notes on the Alphabet.”#alphabet#design#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 28, 2023“Why is this here?”
Today’s xkcd“This was always going to be a controversial Wirecutter post, but what really got them in trouble were their ‘budget’ and ‘upgrade’ picks.”#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 4, 2021Today’s xkcd
“In Your Classroom”The latest xkcd .#comics#teaching#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·May 28, 2021“In Your Classroom”
“Fully Vaccinated”I like the aberrant literalism of today’s xkcd.#comics#COVID-19#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Apr 23, 2021“Fully Vaccinated”
“Pathogen Resistance”Today’s xkcd is beautiful and moving and hopeful.#comics#life#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 31, 2020“Pathogen Resistance”
“Qualifiers”From xkcd. Personally, I’d suggest not skipping the mouseover text.#comics#language#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 5, 2019“Qualifiers”
“Regional Terms for Carbonated Beverages”“Kid’s coffee.” From xkcd.#comics#words#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 10, 2019“Regional Terms for Carbonated Beverages”
EvesTwo comics with but a single thought: Nancy (December 23) and today’s xkcd.#comics#Nancy#time#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Dec 25, 2018Eves
ICYMIThe latest xkcd, “IMHO.” With the two-space, one-space debate.#comics#typography#punctuation#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·May 8, 2018ICYMI
“Impostor Syndrome”An xkcd comic.#comics#Dunning-Kruger#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Feb 21, 2018“Impostor Syndrome”
Today’s xkcd“Mispronunciation.” Very meta.#comics#pronunciation#meta#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 31, 2017Today’s xkcd
xkcd : “Work”Everything gets designed.#comics#design#materialculture#work#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Oct 4, 2016xkcd : “Work”
To adjective, to adverb, to verbFrom xkcd.#comics#grammar#words#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Nov 14, 2014To adjective, to adverb, to verb
A universal questionFrom xkcd: “Where do birds go when it rains?”#comics#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Oct 16, 2014A universal question
“Types of Editors”I think enough about text editors to like this xkcd a lot.#comics#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Mar 21, 2014“Types of Editors”
xkcd: “Words for Small Sets”How many are “a couple”?#comics#xkcd·mleddy.blogspot.com·Jun 19, 2012xkcd: “Words for Small Sets”